Blog - Locksmith Great Sankey

Upvc Door Locking Problems ? We Can Help

If your having problems locking a upvc door then we can help. Accounting for over 70% of all doors in the UK at Locksmith Great Sankey we are working on these types of doors and locks every week. A lot of the time its simply that a door has dropped and the lock is not aligned with the door keeps causing the locking problem. One way of checking this is by looking at the mitres on the outside of the door (see picture above) when a door drops the mitres will not line up. If you need a door locking problem solving give Lockkeys Locksmiths Great Sankey a call on 07855 867422 and speak with Derek or Pam.

Dont Get Locked Out By Problem Lock

At Lockkeys Locksmiths Great Sankey we offer advice to people and one bit of advice is dont get locked out by a problem lock. So if youve got a problem lock our "Great Sankey Locksmith" Derek suggests that whenever possible dont use the problem lock use another door to avoid the possibility of being locked out. We provide no obligation quotes so calling us on 07855 867422 will provide you with an idea of the cost involved in sorting out your problem lock. You could then phone around other Locksmiths Great Sankey and see how our price compares then if you would like us to do the work for you call us back and make an appointment to suit you the customer.

Mortise Locks How Do They Work ?

Mortise locks have been around for a long time and can still be found on a lot of doors mainly wooden doors. At Lockkeys Locksmiths Great Sankey we probably work on more mortise locks than other general locksmiths in Great Sankey simply because we do a lot of work on church locks. These locks come in different types and sizes but for an external door you should always want a 5 lever biriths standard lock on your doors. The video provides a short insight into how these locks actually work.

Nightlatch Snibs Why Disable Them ?

The nightlatch as been around for a long time and can still be found on a lot of doors today. They have a snib on the inside part of the lock which when put on deadlocks the lock which means even if a person on the outside has a key they cannot unlock the door.

Although a security enhancement it can also in certain circumstances cause problems. On occasions when a person living at home is being cared for by a relative or carer they have put on the snib and forget to take it off meaning the people visiting are locked out and this can prevent care and medication being provided.

When this happens Lockkeys Locksmiths Great Sankey are asked to provide a solution. The attached video although not a instructional video explains how we go about disabling the snib for circumstance as above. Once this is done no one can be locked out of the property.

If you would like a quote for a new nightlatch to be fitted with the snib disabled then please call us on 07855 867422 and speak with Derek or Pam.

Mortice Lock Upgrades To British Standard

Mortice lock upgrade from 5 lever non British Standard to 5 lever British Standard (BS3621). Why do this ? check your insurance policy its probably what the insurance company wants you to have. If you would like a no obligation quote for a mortice lock upgrade or advice please call Lockkeys Locksmiths Great Sankey on 07855 867422 and speak with Derek or Pam.

Upvc Window Mechanisms

There are a number of parts to upvc window mechanisms all of which interact to lock and open our windows. However if one of these parts should start to or indeed fail then it can stop the window from opening or locking, Our locksmith in Great Sankey Derek has produced this video to explain the parts of the window mechanism.

Insurance Preferred Locks Whats BS 3621 ?

When you take out home insurance or renew, your insurnce company will probably ask if you have BS 3621 Locks on your door so what do they mean ?

When asking about BS 3621 locks they are generally referring to mortise locks on wooden doors which can be either a deadlock type or a sashlock type (sashlocks will have handles). Our locksmith in Great Sankey Derek has provided the attached video which explains what to look for when checking if you have BS3621 mortise locks fitted.

Anti Snap Locks Great Sankey What Are They ?

There is plenty locks out there described as anti snap but what are they ? Our Locksmith in Great Sankey Derek explains that in the UK only 3 star euro cylinders have been designed and tested to withstand a snapping attack and so although other locks may have some snap protection its only the 3 star euro cylinders that we would supply and fit and of these the diamond grade is the best. The video explains how customers can identify anti snap locks. If you would like a quote for 3 star diamond grade locks to be fitted then give Pam or Derek a call on 07855 867422.

Garage Door Locks The Single Euro

Most modern garage door locks will have a single euro cylinder also known as a half euro cylinder in the door. The older doors might also be found with whats called a T-handle lock. The single euro cylinder is normally found in three main sizes 40mm, 45mm and 50mm although there may be variants of these. If you would like a quote from lockkeys locksmiths Great Sankey to replace your garage door lock in Great Sankey then call Derek or Pam on 07855 867422.

Deadlocking Nightlatch Have You Got One ?

Nightlatches also known as Yale locks are still a common site on wooden doors and Derek our locksmith in Great Sankey is often asked to fit and replace these types of locks. He also provides security advice in that some types of these locks can also be deadlocked which provides extra security for the customer. The video above explains how you can check if your nightlatch is the deadlocking type.

Rim Locks Used For Sheds & Gates

There is still plenty of the old style rim locks in use in Great Sankey mainly on sheds and gates but you still do see some on internal doors on older buildings. These locks especially on sheds and gates dont tend to be very secure and so we always recommend extra security which could be either another lock or even a shed alarm which are a inexpensive purchase and easy to set up and install.

3 Star Euro Cylinders What Are They ?

Going back to approximately 2010 the police over in Yorkshire started noticing that some burglarys where being committed by snapping the euro cylinder and opening upvc doors. This method of entry was quick and easy to do with very little noise and the British Standard locks at this time provided little or no defence against this type of attack.

So the lock manufacturers started developing locks known as anti snap locks which provided a defence against lock snapping. Today when customers ask about anti snap locks in Great Sankey we always advise them that only 3 star euro cylinders have been specifically designed and tested to withstand a snapping attack and of the 3 star euro cylinders its the diamond grade that offers the superior protection.

If our customers in Great Sankey would like a no obligation quote for 3 star diamond grade locks then call us on 07855 867422 and speak to Pam or Derek.

Key Safes Which One For Me ?

If you look you will see many key safes now in use throughout Great Sankey and the UK so which one is for you ? Key safes come in different sizes normally small, medium and large and these sizes normally determine how many keys of different types can be stored in the Key Safe so this is one thing that the customer needs to consider before choosing (Details of key numbers can normally be found on the key safe description).

Another thing to consider is who will be using the key safe. The next thing to consider is whether you need a high security key safe rather than standard security and obviously this will depend on the area you live in and budget available.

When choosing a High Security Key Safe look out for the secured by design logo as this means they have been tested by locksmiths to withstand standard attack methods.

For obvious reasons Lockkeys Locksmiths Sankey will always recommend a High Security Key Safe such as the Burton Safes Digital Keyguard XL.

Locksmith Training Courses

Although we are working locksmiths if your thinking about becoming a locksmith then Lockkeys Locksmith Services provide locksmith training courses from their workshop in Lea Green, St Helens. We are one of a few locksmith trainers who only teach one to one and take out locksmith students with us on live jobs to see how its done in the field. We have a designated training site at but if you have any questions about starting a career as a locksmith then give us a call.